We all knew it would happen eventually - Tiger Woods has joined the pantheon of celebrities who have made a very public mea culpa for a very private affair. On February 19, Woods gave a televised speech from the PGA Tour headquarters in Florida in which he apologized for the affairs he admittedly had with several women. As I watched this public bloodletting it reminded me of the other notables who came before the public spotlight and admitted to and apologized for similar indiscretions. You know the names – Bill Clinton, Elliot Spitzer, John Edwards, et al. (At least Woods is to be given some credit for not dragging his wife Elin before the camera as the aforementioned did when it was their time for their public shaming.)
Tiger, looking very tired and deflated, stood before the cameras and apologized to – well everyone he could think of who may or may not have been impacted by these affairs. So why did he apologize? Did he do it as a method of self-flagellation? Maybe. Was it a carefully timed public relations move done to help revive his career? Sure it must have been that too. At first, I debated writing about this subject since in my post of Dec 12, 2009 I already stated that I believed the coverage of this story to be excessive. Then I thought perhaps the point I made then needs to be re-stated. Here goes nothing.
As I watched him apologize to his wife, Elin, his parents, his fans, his business partners…and anyone else within earshot, I began to wonder to myself who does he really owe his apologies to. First let’s break it down: Does Woods owe an apology to the game of golf itself? I don’t think so. I mean how many people who had ties to the PGA tolerated the rampant discrimination present in the game for years and not only did not disassociate themselves from it but did not offer an apology for it? Also, where were Ty Cobb’s apologies to the game of baseball for his much more reprehensible behavior?
Did Woods owe an apology to the public? I don’t think so. Shouldn’t our amusement and entertainment excuse him from having to apologize to us? Not only does he not owe an apology to the public but those of us who have let this story fuel our tabloids should actually be thanking Tiger for providing us with this current chapter in this man and his family’s excruciating drama. His story has provided us with countless hours of media coverage, the tantalizing possibility of sex tapes and some more quasi-celebrities such as Tiger’s alleged former mistresses Holly Sampson and Joslyn James. His affair has also given more work to publicity whore attorney Gloria Allred who represents James. (Bringing Allred out of her crypt is one thing I may not be able to forgive Tiger for.)
Does Tiger Woods owe an apology to his fans and particularly the kids he works with? Well I suspect that his fans should know that he is a human being and subject to the same vices that they are. I also suspect that the parents of the children he apologized to should probably have told their children that Mr. Woods is a human being too.
Does Woods owe his wife an apology? Of course he does. He began his news conference apologizing to her but as Woods stated this act of penance should be between him and his wife.
So where’s my apology in all this? I mean Joslyn James is demanding one and she voluntarily entered into a relationship with a married man. I’ve been subject to this media circus just as everyone else in the world has been with even the Dali Lama weighing in on the matter. I guess my apology was somewhere in the many apologies Tiger did give. Yet, I don’t accept Woods’ apology because he doesn’t owe me one. I guess I don’t want one because I never expected him to be more than human. I guess I don’t want one and therefore wouldn’t accept one because I admire the man’s athleticism and never gave a second thought as to whether or not he would be faithful in his marriage. I don’t and didn’t feel it was my place and of course it’s not. I guess I’m waiting for the paparazzi to apologize to Woods for stalking his child. I’m waiting for James’s to apologize for using Wood’s predicament as a way of expanding her quasi-celebritydom. I guess I’m waiting for Allred to apologize for being the quintessential sleaze-bag attorney. I guess I’m waiting first for those of us who slam his infidelity but at the same time are entertained by it. I guess I’ll have a long wait.
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